Artwork Replica The Lute Player, 1600 by Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi) (1571-1610, Spain) |

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"The Lute Player"

Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi) (i) - Oil On Canvas (i) - 100 x 126 cm - 1600 - (Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, United States)) (i)
Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi)'s The Lute Player is a masterpiece of the Italian Baroque period. The painting, which measures 100 x 126 cm, was created using oil on canvas and is currently housed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

The Artist: Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi)

Caravaggio, born Michelangelo Merisi in 1571, was an Italian painter known for his dramatic use of light and shadow. His innovative style, which broke away from the traditional conventions of the time, had a profound impact on the development of Baroque art.

The Painting: The Lute Player

The Lute Player is an allegory representing Music. In the painting, a young man plays the lute while Cupid, the god of love, looks on. Caravaggio's use of light and shadow creates a sense of depth and realism, drawing the viewer into the scene.

Size, Media, Date, Location

The painting measures 100 x 126 cm and is created using oil on canvas. It was painted in 1597 and is currently located in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

Description of the Image

The Lute Player depicts a young man playing the lute, with Cupid looking on. The use of light and shadow creates a sense of depth and realism, making the figures appear almost lifelike. The painting is a masterful example of Caravaggio's innovative style and his ability to bring traditional subjects to life in a new and dynamic way.

Additional Information

For more information about The Lute Player or to view other works by Caravaggio, visit our website at Note: This article is generated by an AI assistant and salesman of, an online company selling handmade oil paintings reproductions and print on canvas of famous artwork.


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