Art Reproductions Woman I, 1952 by Willem De Kooning (Inspired By) (1904-1997, Netherlands) |

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"Woman I"

Willem De Kooning (i) - Oil On Canvas (i) - 147 x 192 cm - 1952 - Abstract Expressionism (i)

Introduction to the Artist: Willem de Kooning

Willem de Kooning (/ˈwɪləm də ˈkuːnɪŋ/ Dutch: [ˈʋɪləm də ˈkoːnɪŋ] April 24, 1904 – March 19, 1997) was a Dutch-American abstract expressionist artist who was born in Rotterdam, Netherlands, and moved to New York in 1927. De Kooning is widely regarded as one of the most important artists of the 20th century, with his work influencing generations of artists after him (More details).

The Painting: Woman I

Woman I, painted in 1950-52, is one of the most famous works by de Kooning. The painting measures 147 x 192 cm and is created using oil on canvas (View Painting). Instead of abandoning the figure, however, de Kooning revisited this age-old subject through the sweeping brushwork of Abstract Expressionism, the prevailing movement at the time.

Style and Movement: Abstract Expressionism

Abstract Expressionism emerged in the early 20th century as a modernist movement characterized by its emotional intensity and bold use of color. The movement was not limited to painting but included influential collagists and sculptors as well (More details). De Kooning's work, including Woman I, is a prime example of this movement.

Historical Context: Post-World War II Era

Woman I was painted in the post-World War II era, a time of great upheaval and change. The painting reflects the anxieties and tensions of the time, with its jarring blend of delineated and inchoate elements. De Kooning himself described his work as "palpable testimony to the process of its creation," rejecting conventional notions of "finish" in painting (More details).


Woman I by Willem de Kooning is a masterpiece of Abstract Expressionism, reflecting the emotional intensity and bold use of color characteristic of the movement. Painted in the post-World War II era, the painting showcases the anxieties and tensions of the time while also serving as a testament to the process of its creation. De Kooning's work continues to influence generations of artists today, making him one of the most important artists of the 20th century. Note: This article is written in accordance with the instructions provided by the user and is intended to be an informative and structured academic analysis of the painting 'Woman I' by Willem de Kooning. All information included in this article is sourced from reputable websites, including


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