Artwork Replica Not to be reproduced, 1937 by Rene Magritte (Inspired By) (1898-1967, Belgium) |

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"Not to be reproduced"

Rene Magritte (i) - Oil On Canvas (i) - 81 x 65 cm - 1937 - Surrealism (i)
The Surrealist artist, Rene Magritte, had a constant patron, British poet Edward James who spent his fortune on young artists and to thrust them into fame. The painting Not to be Reproduced is a portrait of James, although his face is never seen. The image shows James sitting in front of a mirror but his reflection does not appear, James’s back is imposed on the mirror, making the scene impossible and perplexing. On the table is a book with an accurate reflection. The book is Edgar Allan Poe’s The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym in Nantucket, a story with an unreliable narrative, just like the mirror in Magritte’s painting. It was one of three paintings commissioned for James’ ballroom in his London home, where James placed them behind two-way mirrors with lights behind them; the paintings would only be visible when the lights are switched on, allowing the visitors to see them only when James wanted them to.


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