Oil Painting Replica The Last Supper, 1498 by Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519, Italy) | WahooArt.com

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"The Last Supper"

Leonardo Da Vinci (i) - 460 x 880 cm - 1498 - (Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie (Milan, Italy)) (i)

The Painting and Its History

Painting by 'Leonardo Da Vinci' | Leonardo Da Vinci:The Last Supper (460 x 880 cm,Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie (Milan, Italy),) is a world-famous painting that covers the back wall of the dining hall at Santa Maria delle Grazie monastery in Milan, Italy. Commissioned by Leonardo's patron Duke Ludovico Sforza and his duchess Beatrice d'Este, this 15th-century mural painting represents the scene of The Last Supper from the final days of Jesus as narrated in the Gospel of John 13:21.

The Artwork and Its Significance

In Painting by 'Leonardo Da Vinci' | Leonardo Da Vinci:The Last Supper (detail) (Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie (Milan, Italy),), Leonardo masterfully depicts the reactions of all twelve apostles to Jesus' announcement that one of them would betray him. The painting is a remarkable example of High Renaissance art and has been studied extensively for its composition, symbolism, and technique.

Visiting The Last Supper

To see this masterpiece in person, consider visiting Milan and the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie. While there, you can also explore other artworks by Leonardo da Vinci and his contemporaries. For a more convenient option, browse our collection of handmade oil paintings reproductions and print on canvas of famous artwork at WahooArt.com.

Explore More Masterpieces

For those interested in learning more about Leonardo da Vinci and his works, we invite you to explore our dedicated page on the artist: Leonardo Da Vinci. Additionally, discover other masterpieces from the High Renaissance period in our collection of famous artwork.


Leonardo da Vinci's Painting by 'Leonardo Da Vinci' | Leonardo Da Vinci:The Last Supper (460 x 880 cm,Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie (Milan, Italy),) is an iconic work of art that continues to inspire and captivate audiences. Whether you're planning a trip to Milan or exploring our collection at WahooArt.com, we hope this article has sparked your interest in Leonardo da Vinci and his extraordinary legacy.


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