Artwork Replica Proud Maisie by Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys (1829-1904, United Kingdom) |

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"Proud Maisie"


Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys pintor, ilustrador y delineante prerrafaelino británico asociado a la época victoriana.
Sus trabajos se centraban en la mitología y los retratos. En 1846 asistió a la Norwich School of Design. En 1899 se convirtió en miembro del Executive Committee of the International Society of Sculptors, Painters and Gravers. Su hermana Emma, también fue una importante artista.
María Magdalena, Delaware Art Museum (circa 1858-60)
Morgana, 1864, Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery (1862)
La hija del rey Pelle (1861).
Grace Rose, 1866, Centro de Arte Británico de Yale
Medea, 1868.
Helena de Troya, 1867.

Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys was a British painter, illustrator, and delineator associated with the Victorian era. Born in Norwich, England, in 1829, Sandys' work focused on mythology and portraits. He attended the Norwich School of Design in 1846 and later became a member of the Executive Committee of the International Society of Sculptors, Painters, and Gravers in 1899.

Artistic Career

Sandys' artistic career was marked by his association with the Pre-Raphaelite movement. His sister, Emma, was also an important artist. Some of his notable works include Maria Magdalena, which can be found at the Delaware Art Museum, and Morgana, located at the Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery. Other notable works by Sandys are La hija del rey Pelle, Grace Rose, and Medea.

Notable Works and Museums

Some of Sandys' notable works can be found in various museums, including: Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, a movement that Sandys was associated with, can be found on Wikipedia. For more information on Sandys and his works, visit


In conclusion, Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys was a notable British painter and illustrator associated with the Pre-Raphaelite movement. His works can be found in various museums, including the Delaware Art Museum and the Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery. For more information on Sandys and his works, visit or Wikipedia's list of British artists.


