Order Artwork Replica Ecce Ancilla Domini! (also known as The Anunciation), 1850 by Dante Gabriele Rossetti (1828-1882, United Kingdom) | WahooArt.com

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"Ecce Ancilla Domini! (also known as The Anunciation)"


Early Life and Education

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, an English poet, illustrator, painter, translator, and member of the illustrious Rossetti family, was born on May 12, 1828, in London. He was raised in a culturally rich environment, initially home-educated, later attending King's College School, where he developed a love for Shakespeare, Dickens, and other literary greats.

Artistic Aspirations and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood

From an early age, Rossetti was driven by artistic and poetic aspirations. He studied at Henry Sass' Drawing Academy and the Royal Academy, eventually leaving to study under Ford Madox Brown. His encounter with William Holman Hunt and the latter's painting "The Eve of St. Agnes" led to a deep friendship and collaboration, forming the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood with Hunt and John Everett Millais.

Notable Works and Collaborations

* Proserpine (1874), a painting symbolizing captivity, featuring Jane Morris as the model, showcased at the Tate Britain in London. * Behold the handmaid of the Lord! (The Annunciation), a piece reflecting his fascination with medieval subjects, available for viewing on Behold the handmaid of the Lord! (The Annunciation). * Collaborations with his sister, Christina Rossetti, on illustrating poems, including "Goblin Market".

Legacy and Influence

Rossetti's innovative blend of visual and poetic artistry, his revival of medieval themes, and his influence on the evolution of modern European art movements mark his legacy. His work continues to inspire artists and writers, cementing his place in the history of British art.

Key Links:

* Kelmscott Press, Dante Gabriel Rossetti * Dante Gabriele Rossetti

**Early Life and Influences**

Dante Gabriele Rossetti, a renowned English poet, illustrator, painter, translator, and member of the illustrious Rossetti family, was born on May 12, 1828, in London. His early life was marked by a deep interest in Medieval Italian art and the works of Shakespeare, Dickens, Sir Walter Scott, and Lord Byron.

**The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood**

In 1848, Rossetti co-founded the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood with William Holman Hunt and John Everett Millais. This movement sought to reform English art by rejecting the mechanistic approach of Mannerism and embracing the abundant detail and intense colors of Quattrocento Italian and Flemish art.

**Artistic Style and Notable Works**

Rossetti's art is characterized by its sensuality and medieval revivalism. His early poetry was influenced by John Keats and William Blake, while his later work showcased a complex interlinking of thought and feeling, as seen in his sonnet sequence The House of Life. Notable works include:

**Legacy and Influence**

Rossetti's work influenced the next generation of artists and writers, including William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones. His art also had a significant impact on the European Symbolists and the Aesthetic movement. **View Rossetti's Artworks on WahooArt:** [https://WahooArt.com/@/Dante-Gabriele-Rossetti](https://WahooArt.com/@/Dante-Gabriele-Rossetti) | 122 Artworks **Explore the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood's Philosophy on WahooArt:** [https://WahooArt.com/Art.nsf/O/A@D3ARWX-Museu-Antonio-Parreiras-Niteroi-Brazil](https://WahooArt.com/Art.nsf/O/A@D3ARWX-Museu-Antonio-Parreiras-Niteroi-Brazil) **Learn more about Rossetti's Life and Work on Wikipedia:** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dante_Gabriel_Rossetti](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dante_Gabriel_Rossetti)

