Purchase Oil Painting Replica Green Slope on the Road. Martyshkino, 1902 by Konstantin Andreevic Somov (1869-1939, Russia) | WahooArt.com

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"Green Slope on the Road. Martyshkino"


Early Life and Education

Konstantin Andreevic Somov, a renowned Russian artist, was born on November 30, 1869, in a family of art connoisseurs. His father, Andrey Ivanovich Somov, was a prominent art historian and curator at the Hermitage Museum. This upbringing sparked Konstantin's interest in 18th-century art and music from an early age. He pursued his artistic inclination at the Imperial Academy of Arts under the tutelage of Ilya Repin from 1888 to 1897.

Artistic Career and Influences

Somov's work was heavily influenced by the Rococo style, as evident in his masterpiece, Lady in Blue, painted in the manner of 18th-century portraitists. Inspired by Watteau and Fragonard, he preferred working with watercolors and gouache. His association with the Mir iskusstva movement further solidified his position within the Russian Art Nouveau scene.

Notable Works and Exhibitions

* Open Door on a Garden (Art Nouveau, 64 x 54 cm) - A quintessential example of Somov's style, showcasing his mastery of color and composition. * The Rainbow (1927) - Sold at Christie's for US$7.33 million, a record for a work at an auction of Russian art.

Museological Footprints

Somov's works have been exhibited in various museums, including the Yaroslavl Arts Museum, Russia, and his pieces are part of several notable collections. His legacy continues to inspire new generations of artists and art enthusiasts alike. Key Dates: * November 30, 1869 - Born in Russia * 1888-1897 - Studied at the Imperial Academy of Arts * May 6, 1939 - Passed away

